Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shopping Smartly

Cutting back your grocery bill is tricky and time consuming but the end result is rewarding. Because of the economic downturn consumers are trying to find ways to cut back. One of the candidate is your grocery bill. Here some few tricks/tips that I do whenever I go grocery shopping.
1. Make a list. Making a list saves you time and energy in the store. You don't wander in the store thinking what else you need and what you've missed.
2. Create a budget. Before you leave figure out how much you are going to spend and stick with it. Itemized the things that you need and you don't need.
3. Use coupons. Clippings of coupons in Sunday paper is the great way to save. Another way to get coupons is through web sites. There is a lot of site out there that give coupons of your favorite product. You just have the patience to look for it, though.
4. Comp it. Some stores allow comping from their competitors, like Wal-mart. You can comp prices from other stores like sale and clearance. I like going Wal-Mart because it's a one-stop shopping store for me.
5. Buy off-brands. Buying off-brands is not gonna hurt you. They're just the same value of the name-brand items but cheaper.
6. Get in, get out. I always make it sure that I avoid temptations. I go in, grab what I need check out and leave. I go browse the store later.
There probably a lot of ways to save money out there, and if you have something to add please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'll appreciate it.

"mommy, I got an Ouchy"

My son and I were doing our everyday walk. He was pushing his lawn mower toy when he slipped in the driveway. Twisted ankle landed on his knee and face flat on the ground. I thought, okay, he always fall but this it really hurt him. He was crying and doesn't wanna stand on his feet. So, we do first aid, put ice on the ankle maybe it will ease the pain. But, we're wrong he still doesn't want to stand. We forced him to stand and walk and just we found out he was limping and crying out of pain. We really get concern about it because he never really cry that hard. He usually fall and go on but this it's different. So we rushed him in the ER, took an x-ray from his thigh to feet and no bone was broken and found out he has a deep bruise, whew, what a relief! It's hard sometimes when your baby gets hurt and he can't tell you exactly whats wrong( he can't talk yet). You get panicky and nervous. I know I was. And it's been almost two weeks he still limping and it so painful to watch him walk. I wish I could just take the pain from him. Hoping he'll feel better soon.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dream Pet

I had this crazy dream about having a white tiger pet. It started when I saw them at zoo last week. They are just adorable and so beautiful.. I really would love to be my pet, sounds crazy,huh? It's just gonna stay as a dream because it's impossible to have them as a pet.. I just keep on dreaming.

Crazy Over

Lately, I've crazy a television show in NickToons,it's called Avatar,the last Airbender. It is an awesome show. My husband love it,too. I always drop whatever I'm doing just to be able to watch it,that's how I'm crazy of it. Can't wait for the next episode!

Saturday, April 25, 2009



I just want to share this cool text generator that you can put on your FS, myspace, or even blogs and forums, just go to this site

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bad Day?

Having a bad day? Sometimes small things can turn your day upside down. It's just how you handle it. Here's some things that I do everytime I have bad day..
1. Smile. Nothing can brighten up your day but a little smile in your face. As they say, give your smile to others and they'll bring smile to you.
2. Laugh. Laughter is always the best medicine.
3. Be positive. Never let anybody take you down. Block yourself from negative feelings. Somebody try just smile on it and walk away.
4. Read a book. Reading is fun. Put a little imagination to it and your good to go for some good diversion.
5. Take a nature walk. Smell the flowers. Listen to the trees. Watch the bird. After all, the best things in life are free.
6. Cuddle up. Feel the warmth of your husband. Feel the love that he brings.
7. Pet your pet. Petting can lighten up your mood.
8. Drink water. Water is good for you as well as energize you. Refreshing.
9. Ask your partner for some massage.
10.Take a bubble bath. Nothing is more relaxing taking a dip in a bubble bath after a good massage. With a glass of your favorite wine, candles and music. Soothing, relaxing, invigorating and definetly will turn your day into a good one.
Have a nice day!

just a thought

"Don't hold on to things that can hurt you, just throw it away."

I really like this piece of advice that I got from the television show last night. It was the daughter that tell this advice to her mom,she thought her mom was working with the shady guy. It was pretty cool because you know sometimes when somebody hurts us we kind of hold on to it. We hold to it in a long time that the pain just keep coming back and it keeps hurting you. I think it would be best if we just throw it away, let go of it, and pretty much move on. I've been hurt so many times before and even now, I bottled it up inside, I hold on to it, I keep it to myself but I realize that the more I do it,the more pain I felt. I learned to let go, I learned to forgive and I learned to move on and not dwell on it. Pain is a good feeling, it means your alive, it means your mature by recognizing that it exists. So,guys,if you have people that hurt you,if you have things inside of you that brings pain to you. Let go of it, throw it away, forgive the people that hurt you, buried it and move on. Life is too short to dwell on the things that can hurt you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


You know I've been here in the US for almost five years now but only been lately did I feel kinda homesick. I've been missing things that I enjoyed when I was back home. Things that I've never enjoy here in US. I miss hanging out with all my friends, doing stupid things with them, and gossiping with them. Oh! How I miss the old days?
But,most especially I miss my family. My mom, I miss our conversation, her strict ways, and herself. I miss my momma so much! I miss my sisters and my brother. I didn't even get the chance to watch my brother grow up. I miss my sisters, our laughs,our problems, and our silly things that we have done. And I miss my dad. It hurts me so much to hear that he is suffering with diabetes. I miss the chance to be with him. I terribly miss my home!(sob)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Unfortunate Turns Of Events

Sometimes you wonder,why such bad things happen? And sometimes one thing lead to another..That's what happen to me all week, it's like things never get any better at all. First, a storm knock the tree down in the backyard right into my car's hood,then my son got a case of ear infection, and then my car's tire needed to be replace. To make things worst I got sick.. See what I'm saying...
But,you know,this is probably just minor compare to other people, maybe I should stop whining,huh? Well,anyways,hopefully I have a good week ahead and you too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Broken Promise

Promises-they are easy to make but hard to keep. But why make one if you can't keep it? I will be a hypocrite if I will tell you that I kept all my promises because the truth is I have made promises in the past that I couldn't keep. It wasn't because I intentionally not to keep it but because the situation what makes it hard to keep. Call it as an excuse or an alibi, but sometimes things happen out of your control.
But, I may not be able to keep some of my promise but deep within me is a beg of forgiveness and regretfully tell you I am so sorry. I didn't mean to let you anticipate something that I couldn't give. But, I know someday and somehow I will remember to make it up to you, I just hope it's not too late.( promises again)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's Easter!

Have a good Easter everyone! Have fun egg hunting!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cool Widgets

I had just change my lay-out and because I didn't back it up I lost my old widgets and other stuff on it. And it was really hassle but it turn out good. I searched for widgets for my side bar and I visited this site. They have a lot of varieties of widgets, y'all check it out maybe you'll find some you'd like.


Everyone of us like certain foods and each one of us has a favorite food. Well, I just thought I'm gonna make a list of food that I like. And it turns out I can live in every country I will visit because it looks like I have a favorite food in every country,well, not's some:
everything, (I'm a filipina indeed)
everything on the menu
tacos, fajitas, chips-and-salsa, pico de gallo
lasagna, spaghetti

To sum it up, I don't really care what country recipe it is as long as its good. And to top of that my most favorite food is seafoods. I really love 'em..... Even T-bone steak can't compete with that. ( well, for me anyways,hehehe)